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Best Office Chair Seat Cushion PT.3- Contact Area

  • January 27, 2023

Pressure mapping

It is a technique used to measure and visualize the pressure distribution over a surface, such as the skin of the buttocks, and can be used to identify areas of high pressure that may be at risk for tissue damage or discomfort. One important concept in pressure mapping is the contact area, which is the area of the surface that is in contact with an object or body.

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The contact area is an important factor in pressure mapping because it directly affects the pressure distribution on the surface. For example, if the contact area is small, the pressure on the surface will be concentrated in a smaller area and may be higher. On the other hand, if the contact area is larger, the pressure will be distributed over a larger area and may be lower.

The contact area can be affected by various factors, such as the shape and size of the object or body in contact with the surface, the angle and position of the object or body, and the properties of the surface itself. For example, a round object will have a larger contact area when placed on a soft surface compared to a hard surface, due to the ability of the soft surface to conform to the shape of the object.

In pressure mapping, the contact area is often measured and visualized using a pressure-sensitive mat or pad that is placed under the object or body.

The mat or pad contains sensors that measure the pressure at different points on the surface and transmit the data to a computer or other device for analysis and visualization. The resulting pressure map shows the distribution of pressure across the contact area and can be used to identify areas of high or low pressure, as well as identify patterns and trends in the pressure distribution.

The goal in sitting is to have a high contact area to maximize comfort and decrease fidgeting or constant movement to relieve pain from high peak pressures.


Using 3D human modeling, Anthros has designed a seat cushion that optimizes surface contact area in three ways:

  • 1 Using anthropometric data, the contours match those of the human body.

  • 2 The premium foam and pressure-relieving cutouts allow the body to immerse into the cushion, making contact over a larger surface.

  • 3 By adjusting the low back pad, individuals can optimize their seat depth which ensures optimal upper leg contact.

Anthros validated the design through standardized bench testing at the University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation. They tested the Anthros seat cushion against nine main competitors and the results speak for themselves.

Pressure Distribution/Contact Area

University of Pittsburgh Study
High Values are Desirable

  • X-CHAIR X366515
  • ANTHROS100342
Less 0 mm2
  • 20,000
  • 40,000
  • 60,000
  • 80,000
  • 100,000
More 120,000 mm2

If you are looking to improve posture while sitting, look no further than Anthros.

Anthros is the only chair in the world that is guaranteed to improve posture or your money back. The science-backed, patented design, is registered with the FDA as a posture-improving chair and is proven to have the lowest pressure (most comfortable) cushion on the planet (verified by university testing).

Take the next step to reducing pain, increasing comfort, and maximizing performance!



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