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Why your poor posture increases likelihood of gym injuries


Why your poor posture increases likelihood of gym injuries.

Poor sitting posture can have a number of negative effects on gym performance and may even lead to injury. Research has shown that poor posture can lead to decreased strength, decreased mobility, and increased risk of injury, all of which can impact gym performance.

What does the research say about poor posture and increased risk for injury:


A study published in the journal Physical Therapy Science found that incorrect posture has many negative effects on the spine. For example, joint imbalance limits the movement of the tendons and muscles and makes normal exercise and movement difficult. Additionally, incorrect posture can cause pain.1


A review of the literature published in the Frontiers and Physiology also found that good posture was associated a reduced risk of injury. The review included data from a number of studies and found that good posture had positive effects on muscle balance with a reduced the risk of injury.2


A study published in the journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies found that good posture was associated with improved muscle function. The study included data from over 500 individuals and found that good posture was significantly associated with improved muscle function.3

Overall, the evidence suggests that poor sitting posture can lead to poor gym performance and even injury. It is important to maintain good posture in order to support proper strength and mobility and reduce the risk of injury.

How can you maintain good posture while working to reduce your risk for injuries?

Anthros understands the implications of poor posture and has created a chair with every component intentionally designed to optimize posture for every body type.


Independently Adjustable Two-Part Back System

Anthros has designed a first of its kind back support. It adapts to individual body types by adjusting the low back and upper back independently. This means that you can adjust the low back support to support your pelvis in your optimal position, which will then align the spine. The upper back can then be adjusted to meet and support your spine in alignment.


Lowest Pressure Seat Cushion

When sitting in good posture, the pelvis is in neutral and the sit bones drive directly down into the seat surface. This is why the cushion is so important to maintain good posture over time!

Anthros has designed the lowest pressure dynamic density foam cushion with pressure relieving cut-outs to distribute pressure away from the sit bones. This allows you to sit upright without needing to shift, cross your legs, fidget, and allows you to optimize your focus and performance throughout the day.


4D Arm Rests

The 4D arm rests can be adjusted to the optimal position for any individual and allows you to get as close to your work surface as possible without interference. This provides the best possible task position for focus and performance.


Relaxing in Tilt

With typical chairs, the resting position is reclined. The problem is that reclining causes the pelvis to roll backward, which results in a slouched, rounded posture. In contrast, the seat and back move back together in tilt, holding the pelvis in neutral which maintains an aligned posture.




Looking for an office chair to improve your posture, look no further than Anthros.

Anthros is the only chair in the world that is guaranteed to improve posture or your money back. The science-backed, patented design is registered with the FDA as a posture-improving chair and is proven to have the lowest pressure (most comfortable) cushion on the planet (verified by university testing).

Take the next step to reducing pain, increasing comfort, and maximizing performance!


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