Good posture is not only essential for your physical well-being, but it also impacts your overall health and confidence. This short quiz can let you know where you stand...slouching or tall. Relax your shoulders, sit up right, and let's get started on discovering the true state of your posture health!
Question 1 of 8

How do you position your feet while sitting at a desk?
Question 2 of 8

How is your lower back positioned while sitting?
Question 3 of 8

How do you hold your head when working at a computer?
Question 4 of 8

Which of the following describes your lifting technique for lifting heavy objects??
Question 5 of 8

How do you position your wrists while typing or using a computer mouse?
Question 6 of 8

What is your posture like when using a mobile device?
Question 7 of 8

How do you maintain your posture throughout the day?
Question 8 of 8

How do you feel at the end of a typical day?

You are a posture God (or Goddess)!
(Score 80-100%)
You’re a posture pro! Your score indicates that you’re doing an excellent job in maintaining good posture. You’ve clearly understood the importance of correct sitting and standing habits, which is fantastic for your overall health and well-being. Keep up the great work and continue to be a role model in the journey towards perfect posture. Remember, even posture experts can benefit from occasional reminders and tweaks, so stay vigilant and maintain your excellent habits!

Posture “Under construction, blueprint ready”
(Score 60-80%)
You're on the right track! Your score suggests that you have a good understanding of proper posture, but there's still room for improvement. Consider this an opportunity to refine your habits. Maybe it's about adjusting your chair's ergonomics, taking more frequent breaks, or being more mindful about your posture throughout the day. Small changes can make a big difference, and you're well on your way to achieving posture perfection. Keep learning and adjusting – your back will thank you!

Future Quasimodo (without change)
(Score: Under 60%)
This is your wake-up call! Your score indicates that your posture habits need attention. Poor posture can lead to a multitude of health issues, including chronic pain, fatigue, and even mood swings. But don't worry, it's never too late to make a change! Consider exploring ergonomic solutions like the Anthros chair, which is designed to improve posture and provide comfort. Also, incorporate posture exercises and regular breaks into your routine. Small, consistent changes can lead to significant improvements in your posture and overall health. Start your journey to better posture today.
Download the free FIX YOUR SIT™ Guidebook to learn more.

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